OSLUV Assays

This website hosts the photo/radio/goniometric assay reports the OSLUV project produces about UV-C luminaire. You may wish to read more about our process or about our scoring values. Completed and published assays are listed below.

Email contact-assay@osluv.org for questions about OSLUV's assay process; to request as assay for a luminaire; or to raise an issue with a published assay.

Publication Luminaire Links Revision
06/06/24 Lit Thinking Visium 1 Report IES Spectrum Simulate R00
05/30/24 Bioabundance UVPro222 B1 Report IES Spectrum Simulate R00
05/24/24 Bioabundance UVPro222 B2 Report IES Spectrum Simulate R04
05/24/24 Lumenlabs Lumenizer Zone Report IES Spectrum Simulate R03